Tuesday, September 4, 2018

‘Equus with Warrior: Ancient Intersections’ selected as a finalist in the 2018 Sasol New Signatures Art Competition

Media entrepreneur and film historian Mikhail Peppas was delighted at the news that his photographic entry, ‘Equus with Warrior: Ancient Intersections’ was selected as a finalist in the 2018 Sasol New Signatures art competition.

He attended the opening night of the Exhibition of Winning Works at Pretoria Art Museum. The exhibition runs from 30 August to 7 October.

Conceptual Statement

Equus with Warrior: Ancient Intersections

Name: ‘Ox-head’

Born: 355BC

Died: 326BC

Aged: 30

‘Faithful Unto Death’

A city named in his honour in Pakistan

A magnificent strong-willed black stallion


Species: Equus caballus

Spooked by his own shadow

The most famous horse of history – Bucephalus

With Alexander, forged a cult that after them

It was expected of a conqueror that he have a famous horse

The kingdom of Macedonia was too small for them

Battle after battle – victory upon victory – mortally wounded and surrounded by attackers, Bucephalus carried his master to safety

A curious half lazy stroll along the promenade of Thess City in the darkening night blasted in harsh flooded lights to step across the shadow of a horse that was terrified of shadows

The hybrid virtual centaur bonded intersectionally human with horse

But wait. Does the energetic frenzy in searing sunshards appear to calm as the sun slips to face horse’s head at eye level?

The granite plinth weighted heavily on to the terra firma is too solid for energy but might survive long after the warrior and horse have toppled into the chambers of a forgotten history

But that is in the lap of mythology. For the centaurs are the sons of gods whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between earth and heaven

Let the tourist pass by happily snapping from the White Tower to the Umbrellas Sculpture and perhaps a turn to the shields and heavily long spears that in boundary line remove somewhat the view of the bonded hybrid